Lani Carey

Her greatest joy is helping students achieve their dreams, while de-stressing parents.

Lani Carey began homeschooling in 1990 and has graduated her 4 children and 3 grandkids so far! From 1996 to 2020, she helped startup and direct many tutorials, as well as H.I.S. Co-op, which she directed for 10 years and taught a variety of classes to all ages, from physics to ballet. She developed a high school English curriculum for high school students with learning disabilities, and for students who were not considered at a high school level in reading and/or writing abilities. Lani was a high school guidance counselor for 21 years at a well-known umbrella school, where she started many programs for homeschoolers, from NCAA eligibility to military and military academy admissions. She has been a conference speaker in the homeschool community since 1997, as well as doing webinars, hands-on workshops, podcasts, reels, YouTube videos, blogs and articles about homeschooling. She has vast experience in working with families around the globe and enjoys working with parents of high schoolers, but also loves sharing about how children learn, the value of play, unschooling, and giving parents the vision of homeschooling. 

A sampling of Lani’s workshops over the years:

What Does Homeschooling Look Like?

Teaching the Heart, Not the Mind

Teaching the Way Kids Learn

Getting Out of the Box – Different Homeschool Learning Styles That Produce Leaders

 ~ Interest-Based Learning ~ Project-Based Learning

Unschooling- What It Is and What It’s Not!

How to Put Unstructured Learning into a Structured Transcript

FPEA Special Needs Conference for Gifted and Struggling Learners- workshops for parents of students with LD’s as

well as gifted.

SPED Homeschool guest speaker – “Learning Through Games and Play”

Homeschooling Students with Learning Disabilities: Yes, You Can!

All About Those Juniors and Seniors

Navigating Your Way Through High School  

College Bound Students

How to Prepare for Military Academies

NCAA workshop

Applying for College / Scholarships

Non-College Bound Series – Entrepreneur, Vocational, Missions, Military

Focused Learning - How to Stay Focused in a Distracted World