Margie Abbitt

Margie has the privilege of working with families and students from many varied backgrounds, learning styles and challenges as an academic counselor.

Margie Abbitt has been married to her best friend, Mac, for over 40 years.  They homeschooled their "Brady Bunch" of 3 boys and 3 girls. Margie homeschooled in several different states using a variety of curriculum and teaching methods to meet the needs of many diversified students. She especially enjoys a unit study / hands-on approach to teaching, because learning should be fun and active. Margie has organized, led, and taught in co-ops/tutorials for about 25 years. Margie has the privilege of working with families and students from many varied backgrounds, learning styles and challenges as an academic counselor. As a speaker and author, Margie continues to share her passion for helping parents/grandparents navigate their homeschool experience while encouraging them in their homeschooling journey.

Book: Myths of Education: Truths That Will Set You Free

Here is a list of some of Margie’s most requested workshops:

Set Free to Homeschool: It's Not Traditional School 

Set Free to Survive High School and enjoy the Journey

How To Survive Homeschooling

How Children Learn Best 

Set Free from Guilt (Homeschooling without Guilt)

Homeschool 101 - How to Get Started

Don’t Give Up on Homeschooling

Set Free to Homeschool a Large Family

Set Free to Work Together and How to Make It Work  How to set up co-ops using a unit study approach to learning.

Tips on Struggling Learners

Homeschooling: The Middle School Years

How to Record Classical Conversations

Homeschooling with Dyslexia with Jennifer Fleming