Marta Weaver

Marta values opportunities to hear the unique stories of homeschool families and bring encouragement and practical help for their journey.

Marta is a homeschooling mom. She and her husband have just graduated their youngest daughter! Their homeschooling years were filled with joys, challenges and above all God's faithfulness! The Weaver family is thankful for the homeschool community that has over the years shared wisdom and encouragement and friendship. Working together with like-minded families in coops, tutorials and other settings has enriched their family’s life in many ways. Marta is thankful for the years she was able to be a stay-at-home homeschool mom, but her story also includes working part-time as a respiratory therapist, health educator and homeschool academic counselor while homeschooling. Marta values opportunities to hear the unique stories of homeschool families and bring encouragement and practical help for their journey.